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Burlesque_the movie (let's dispel the myth)

Many of you have probably seen the American movie Burlesque (2010) starring Christina Aguilera and Cher, or at least have heard about it. And for sure many of you match the Art of Burlesque with that kind of dancing and performances shown in the movie.

Despite the movie was successful and a nice film to watch, with impressive choreographies and songs, it doesn’t picture what real Burlesque is.

What you see there is just a Burlesque-inspired dance, with not so much (or not always) Burlesque-inspired costumes. Also the music is not the right one, even if I myself use one of Aguilera’s songs for my classes and performances -“Nasty Naughty Boy”- that incidentally is one of my favorites.

By the way, Burlesque the movie is a nice musical and it’s worth watching it, if you haven’t already.

Keep on following my Blog and you will learn more ;-)

Feel free to leave your comments about this and to ask any question.

And anyway… Welcome to Burlesque!

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